رؤوف شحوري-ليس من السهل تحليل السياسة الدولية للولايات المتحدة الأميركية وتحديد أبعادها ومراميها القريبة والبعيدة على مدار الكوكب. وهي سياسة معقدة ومركبة وذات طبقات عديدة، ومتعددة المصادر والمكونات، ومختلفة التوجهات بحسب الأوضاع الجيو - سياسية في المناطق القارية التي تتوجه اليها. وتدخل في مكونات هذه السياسة الدراسات المعمقة لأجهزة الاستخبارات، والتقارير الاستراتيجية للمؤسسة العسكرية، ومراكز الدراسات التابعة للمؤسسات الرسمية مثل وزارة الخارجية ومجلس الأمن القومي، وكذلك تلك المراكز غير الرسمية ويخضع الكثير منها للفكر الصهيوني وتأثير اللوبي اليهودي الأميركي، إضافة الى شبكة واسعة جداً من الخبراء والمستشارين التابعين للبيت الأبيض، ووزارة الخارجية، والبنتاغون وغيرها من مؤسسات الدولة.
وتشمل تلك الدراسات خصائص المجتمعات الأخرى الاجتماعية والثقافية والحضارية والايديولوجية والاقتصادية وتوازناتها الداخلية والإقليمية ونقاط القوة والضعف فيها على كل صعيد بما في ذلك الأمنية والعسكرية.
بالنسبة للعالمين العربي والاسلامي، أدرك الأميركيون في وقت مبكر أهمية تيارين في الفكر والسياسة يهيمنان على المنطقة. التيار العربي القومي الوحدوي الذي وظفته أميركا والغرب عموماً في إطار مصلحتهما الكونية لخلخلة الامبراطورية العثمانية، وتفكيكها والإجهاز عليها ووراثة امبراطوريتها المنهارة. والثاني هو التيار الاسلامي الذي درسه العلماء الأميركيون بعمق في مرحلة الحرب الباردة واستخدموه على نطاق واسع لضرب الامبراطورية السوفياتية من الداخل وفي العالم كجزء من حرب باردة عالمية شاملة لإنهاك السوفيات واستنزافهم وتشتيت قواهم على مدار الكوكب، وفي حروب ساخنة محصورة، وفي حروب باردة على مدار القارات.
وأقامت أميركا تحالفات وثيقة في وقت مبكر مع الدكتاتوريات العسكرية والمدنية في العالمين العربي والاسلامي لهذا الغرض، كما رعت تنظيمات الاسلام السياسي وبخاصة المتطرفة منها، وأنشأتها عند الضرورة واستخدمتها في اتجاهين: سياسي يكفّر الفكر الشيوعي، وأمني وعسكري ينخرط في الجهاد ويشن الحروب الساخنة ضد السوفيات.
هذه هي الوظيفة الوحيدة التي كانت موكلة الى تيار الاسلام السياسي في العالم وقد حارب الأميركيون بضراوة كل توجه إسلامي نحو الوحدة تماماً كما حاربوا كل توجه عربي نحو الوحدة.
من السذاجة القول إن الولايات المتحدة غيرت اليوم رهانها من الجنرالات الى العمائم. ويثبت يومياً الترابط الوثيق للسياسة الأميركية مع العسكر والعمائم معاً. وقد عمل هذان العنصران بتناغم مدهش في ما يُعرف ب ثورات الربيع العربي ليس بين العسكر والعمائم في كل بلد، وإنما بتنسيق خارجي تقوده أميركا. وفي تونس بينما كان العسكر يجبرون زين العابدين بن علي على التخلي، كان التيار الاسلامي يجتاح الشارع.
وحصل الأمر نفسه في مصر عندما تخلّوا عن حسني مبارك، وتم إفساح الطرق والميادين ليكون الاسلاميون من مكوناتها الرئيسية والمؤثرة. والانجاز الأعظم في مصر اليوم، هو تقديم النموذج المثالي للمساكنة الشرعية بين العسكر والعمائم، فيصل الاخوان المسلمون الى رئاسة الجمهورية ومفاصل أخرى في الدولة بالنيابة عن العمائم، ويشارك العسكر في السلطة من موقع تولي رئيس المجلس العسكري منصب وزير الدفاع في أول حكومة يشكلها الدكتور محمد مرسي الإخواني بعد الثورة، وفي تكريس رسمي لدور العسكر في الحكم. وهو نموذج سيستمر ما دام الإخوان على رأس قمة الهرم في مصر، مع مرسي أو غيره، ومع الفريق حسين طنطاوي أو غيره.
الاستراتيجية الأميركية العميقة هي أبعد بكثير من مجرد تعاون لرعاية المصالح الأميركية بالتعاون مع العسكر والعمائم في العالمين العربي والاسلامي. الأساس هو تفتيت المنطقة العربية وتقسيمها واستنزاف خيراتها بواسطة العسكر والعمائم معاً.
وكان قيام اسرائيل في المنطقة هو لخدمة هذا الهدف المزدوج. اسرائيل كقوة عسكرية متفوقة على كل الدول العربية هو مطرقة لطحن العرب. واسرائيل كدولة دينية هي لنقل الصراع من المحور القومي الى المحور الديني. وهي صلب الاستراتيجية الأميركية، وأساس ارتكازها يقوم على فكر المستشرق الأميركي اليهودي الصهيوني برنار لويس الذي ابتدع نظرية تفتيت الاسلام عن طريق نشر البدع الاسلامية والتكفيرية، لتتولى التيارات الاسلامية المتطرفة نشر الجرثومة في العالمين العربي والاسلامي، واطلاق دينامية حروب دينية اسلامية يكفرون فيها بعضهم بعضاً، ويتذابحون تحت أنظار العالم المتفرج، حتى الفناء!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
الاستراتيجية الأميركية العميقة: العسكر والعمائم معاً...تفتيت العرب كقومية والإجهاز على الإسلام كدين
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
ZIONIST PLOTS continue and escalate, while the average Jewish people pay the price for over a Century or two....


Maud moved to Germany and, in various parts of Europe, starred in her own version of Oscar Wilde's play Salome.
In England, Maud's behaviour upset Noel Pemberton Billing, a member of the UK parliament.
Billing believed that many top people were gay and that, during World War I, German spies were seducing and blackmailing many top people in the UK.

There was a libel case.
One of the people who spoke up for Billing was lord Alfred Douglas.
"In 1923, Douglas was found guilty of libelling Churchill and was sentenced to six months in prison. Douglas had claimed that Churchill had been part of a Jewish conspiracy to kill Lord Kitchener, the British Secretary of State for War." - Lord Alfred Douglas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to the Encyclopaedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexal, Transgender, and Queer Culture, Maud lived the rest of her life with her female lover, Verna Aldrich. in Los Angeles, California.
Wiseman, Warburg, Cecil and World War

What were the reasons for World War One?
Some people blame Imperialism.
Some people blame Militaristic Nationalism. There were plenty of Germans and Englishmen who looked forward to a fight.
What role was played by Zionist bankers?

AGAINST ZIONISM has a post entitled LUCIFER MURDERS AN ANGEL which argues that in 1914 a cabal of Jewish bankers wanted a war in order to:
1. Destroy certain empires.
2. Build a large private banking empire.
Have Zionist Jews occupying key positions in international banks in Europe and North America.
Have the bankers use the weapon of debt to control people and nations.
3. Obtain the promise of a Jewish homeland - the Balfour Declaration.
4. Make lots of money.

Among the points made:
1. In 1914, Edith Cavell, an English nurse, was running a teaching hospital in Brussels in Belgium.
2. On 20 August 1914, German troops entered Brussels and turned Edith's hospital into a Red Cross Hospital for German soldiers. Edith began caring for German soldiers.
3. Secretly, Edith was also caring for British, French and Dutch soldiers who entered the same hospital disguised as Belgian labourers.
4. Edith took charge of the Belgian Relief Commission which aimed to get food and medical supplies to war-ravaged Belgium.
Allied charities sent huge amounts of food and medicine to Belgium.

She discovered that Jewish-owned banks in England were sending money to the Germans to help them buy these supplies.
5. Edith wrote a letter of protest to a British magazine The Nursing Mirror, which published the letter on 15 April 1915.
6. Edith’s letter was shown to Sir William Wiseman, a Jew who was high up in British Intelligence.
Reportedly, Wiseman contacted Max Warburg, the Jew in charge of German Intelligence, and told Warburg to execute Edith as a British spy.

Wiseman also contacted Max’s brother Paul, the Jewish head of the U.S. Federal Reserve.
Thousands of Germans wrote letters to their government demanding that Edith be released.
Americans wrote to the British Red Cross; but the head of the British Red Cross was Robert Cecil, reportedly a Jew.
Edith was shot.

Robert Cecil, the British Minister of 'Blockade', was reportedly a friend of the Jewish bankers.
Reportedly, Robert Cecil told Admiral Consett to keep quiet.
Germany also needed glycerin (animal fat) to manufacture explosives. England controlled the world glycerin trade.
The Jewish bankers sold glycerin to neutral countries, which sold it to Germany.
8. Reportedly, William Wiseman, the Jewish head of British Intelligence in the ZIOCONNED United States, made sure there were no British warships available to protect ocean liners at key locations.
The Lusitania was sunk by German torpedoes. The USA entered the war....
حمل الأديب والروائي الإسرائيلي، العراقي الأصل، سامي ميخائيل بشدّة على العنصرية والتمييز الطائفي في إسرائيل التي اعتبرها الدولة الأشدّ عنصرية في العالم المتقدم.
ولم يوفر ميخائيل، وهو يساري النزعة، اليسار الإسرائيلي من هذه التهمة، محذراً من أن التطرف الديني في الدولة اليهودية يتعاظم.
وأشار إلى الخطر الذي تتعرّض له إسرائيل إذا لم تفهم أنها لا تعيش في الشمال الأوروبي الهادئ وإنما «في مركز الشرق الأوسط المعذب».
وفي محاضرة ألقاها في المؤتمر الدولي لدراسات إسرائيل المنعقد في جامعة حيفا، ونشرت «هآرتس» مقتطفات منها، قال ميخائيل إنه «لا مكان لنا في الشرق الأوسط بعدما أثقلنا أنفسنا عليه، وبعدما شدّدنا صبحاً ومساء على أننا ضجرون به. إننا قد نفقد كل شيء. ويمكن لدولة إسرائيل أن تغدو ظاهرة عابرة على شاكلة ما حدث لعهدي الهيكلين الأول والثاني. والكارثة الفظيعة هي أن جيراننا غارقون أيضاً في وضع بائس، وليس لديهم غاندي في حين أنه ليس لدينا حتى روزفلت صغير».
وأشار ميخائيل إلى أنه «حتى اليوم، بعد أكثر من 60 عاماً من إقامة دولة إسرائيل، لم يلتئم الجرح بين اليهودية الأوروبية واليهودية الشرقية. وعقلياً نال صورة عنصرية فيما يتجلى اجتماعياً بفجوة طبقية. والغريب، أن تيارين مختلفين، دأبا على توسيع هذه الفجوة. أما يسار الصالونات، الذي لم يخرج أبداً من صالوناته، فتنصّل من يهودية الشرق كمادة خام. وحتى اليوم نشهد في مؤسسات الدولة المهمّة، خصوصاً مؤسساتها الأكاديمية والثقافية، تدني تمثيل الطوائف اليهودية العربية».
واعتبر ميخائيل أن «اليسار في إسرائيل واصل السياسة العنصرية حتى انتحاره وتحوّله إلى طائفة نخبوية في المجتمع الإسرائيلي. وهناك معقل آخر للعنصرية قائم في قطاع مفاجئ من السكان اليهود. فإذا كان اليسار قد اتخذ الإنكار وسيلة، فإن التيار الحريدي الأشكنازي كان صاخباً وفظاً في عنصريته. وفي نظر الحريديم فإن يهود الشرق يمثلون خطراً».
وأوضح ميخائيل أن سياسة الاحتلال الإسرائيلية هي «كارثة محققة بالنسبة لإسرائيل، فنظرية أرض إسرائيل الكاملة وفرت حماساً للاحتلال للسيطرة وللاستيطان في قلب مناطق السكن الفلسطينية المكتظة. وهذه العقبة الجارفة تمّت تنميتها تحديداً في أحضان الصهيونية التي ترى نفسها متنورة، علمانية واشتراكية. إن تعبير أرض إسرائيل الكاملة لم ينبت في الليكود، ولا في مدارس اليهودية الدينية، وإنما تبلور في كيبوتس عين حارود، على أيدي شعراء، أدباء ومفكرين، تقريباً من أطهار التيار العلماني المعتدل.
وعلى مرّ السنين زاد اليمين واليسار من تطرفهما إلى أن خلق الطرفان أوهاماً متناقضة تلامسان الواقع بشكل بالغ الهشاشة. اليسار صوّر العرب كملائكة أبرياء، واليمين طوّر كراهية جارفة تجاه العرب، كما لو أنهم وحوش كاسرة».
وتطرّق إلى تصريحات وزير الخارجية أفيغدور ليبرمان العنصرية وقال «إن ليبرمان محق في زعمه أنه يعبّر بصوت عال عما يفكر الآخرون فيه. علينا أن لا نوهم أنفسنا، الثقافة الإسرائيلية مسمومة منذ زمن بشكل لا يقلّ عن التيارات المتطرفة في الإسلام. من رياض الأطفال وحتى الشيخوخة نغذي أبناءنا بشحنات الكراهية، الريبة واحتقار الغريب والمختلف، خصوصاً تجاه العرب. كما أن اهتزاز الوضع الأمني وتفجر الحلم المستحيل بتحقيق السلام مع استمرار الاحتلال، يقود المزيد من الناس للإيمان بأن معجزة فقط أو منة من السماء يمكن أن تنقذنا من الكارثة».
وتحدّث عن أن «سلمان رشدي كتب قبل سنوات أن في العالم دولتين ثيوقراطيتين: إيران وإسرائيل. والآن القائمة تطول جراء الربيع العربي المخيّب للآمال، الذي قفز عن الشبان. يزعم صديقي أ. ب. يهوشع أن اليهودي يمكنه أن يكون طبيعياً فقط في إسرائيل، وأنا أعتقد أن منشئ الدولة العلماني يتقلب في قبره لرؤية الدولة التي تسلم طوعاً مصيرها للأشباح. فنتنياهو بلغ سدة الحكم على جناح شعار حريدي «نتنياهو جيد لليهود»، أي للحريديم، أي لهدم الديموقراطية العلمانية وقيام دولة شريعة كاسحة. واستعراض النصر من جانب القومية الدينية مثير ومخيف».
وانتقد ميخائيل التعامل العنصري في المدارس، وقال إنه «لو أنّ أحداً في الخارج أقام سياجاً كهذا لملأنا نحن اليهود العالم صراخاً، فيما ملأ اليسار هنا في إسرائيل فمه ماء. والمؤسسة الحاكمة لم تحرك ساكناً، وأمرت المحكمة بإزالة السياج، لكن منشئيه أعلنوا بالفم الملآن أنهم سيواصلون طريقهم، حتى لو كان الثمن التواجد في السجون. والآن مع انهيار اليسار المزيف وصعود اليمين عموماً، واليمين الحريدي خصوصاً، فإن الشرخ العنصري غدا حقيقة شبه قائمة. إن العنصرية تزداد وتنال الجنسية في المجتمع الإسرائيلي مع تعاظم قوة اليمين الديني».
Friday, June 15, 2012
Pre-Planned Aggression–20,000 Libyans In Jordan “Waiting for Health Care,” 50,000 Tons of Weapons Waiting In Iraq....

Elements of a Pre-Planned Aggression–20,000 Libyans In Jordan “Waiting for Health Care,” 50,000 Tons of Weapons Waiting In Iraq....
“More than 20,000 Libyan patients who are receiving medical care at health facilities in Amman at public hospitals in the northern, central and southern regions. “
‘Syrians to receive free medical care; Libyans to be treated outside Amman’
50.000 tons of weapons and the Israeli northern Iraq reached $ 2.650 million and wait for the transfer to Lebanon...
Jordan turns the area between the retail and Ramtha to the “military zone” behind closed doors without the announcement in order to set up three camps to house 18 thousand armed predecessor Libby!?
Amman, the truth (especially of: Samia Haddadin + Editorial Office) is linked to many Lebanese politicians loyal to the west close ties with decision-making in Jordan since the Lebanese civil war years. Across the Jordan quoted several shipments of weapons to the Israeli right-fascist Lebanese mid-seventies, and on his head “brigades” and the “Tigers of the free,” in full coordination with intelligence and King Hussein of Jordan personally. Some of these weapons over the already through Syrian territory when he was Assad’s father, and specifically during the war years (1975 1977), in alliance with the right in question against the PLO and the nationalist forces and leftist Lebanese, and when cooperation with the right to destroy the camp of Tel Zaatar to Rars for the refugees of the Palestinians !
These alliances, “contrary to nature” has taken another dimension after the year 1982, even though the symbols of “right” Lebanese associated with Israel, especially the “brigades” and the “Lebanese Forces” and “Tigers of the free,” remain on the close relationship with the Jordanian regime. They feel like they are created from an egg fertilized with liquid British Israeli sperm! After the assassination of Hariri in 2005, joined them, Walid Jumblatt, the realization that his star began to fade the Syrian regime, and the banner of the future became pinned to the Gulf States and its allies, it became a lion of the past, or almost. Although the re-positioning in 2008, relatively, to help us a period of “mist,” but he kept one foot in “Raghadan Palace!” He has been trying for some time the transfer by the other also to him, especially after he was “sure”, or assured him the Emir of Qatar during his lightning recently to Doha, that “no longer a lion only days you can be prepared before the end of the drink,” Qurei maté “in selected! “
However, since the outbreak of the intifada, the Syrian, and even after its transformation from a “struggle for Syria” to “conflict out” threatens its existence and existence itself, avoid the Jordanian regime, Petkoinath different, let that be a rear base for opponents of the Syrian similar to what Turkey has done. This though both Washington and Ankara, and along with Qatar and Saudi Arabia, it has exercised from the pressures and temptations that can not afford only a “mighty.” But “forced your brother does not champion.” Jordanian street who did not hesitate from the beginning to stand by his brothers the Syrians in their battle against tyranny, no longer the case now. And statistical information documented collected by the Jordanian intelligence, and others, indicate that more than 60 percent of the Jordanian street re-positioning in recent months after he saw his own eyes that the subject is no longer about democracy or public freedoms in Syria (unless one can believe that the system beheadings by the sword in the Wahhabi state, and the system that does not allow women led even without the advisory opinion of the legitimacy of the camel, is a fan of democracy), but a bitter struggle to win the state and the people in Syria in order to move through to the other trench. However, this street was still supportive of the demands of the Syrian street, but not at any price and whatever the result, as was the case before!
This was the clearest demonstration of him what happened behind the scenes with the government of Marouf Bakhit (photo), who resigned, or rather, deposed, in October / October last year after it raised a red card in the face of three files, a basic working and Washington, Saudi Arabia and Qatar to force Jordan to engage wrapped. In this context, conveys a close associate of Al Bakhit on the latter as saying the “truth” that Washington and Qatar, “Ergmtani to resign after he insisted on refusal to resettle Palestinian refugees permanently in Jordan and stressed the principle of the right of return, after it refused to engage in, trailing the Syrian, and opposed strongly Jordan’s accession to the GCC, because I know that the only purpose of this project is to enable the forces (Peninsula Shield) of the troops stationed on the Syrian-Jordanian borders in preparation for foreign military intervention under the banner of Arab Gulf. system of procedure of the Gulf Cooperation Council makes the territory of its members and the unit security and military one, thus giving the right forces to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf of entry to Jordan and stationed on the Syrian border. and this is what can not accept it at all. “
Bakhit, who would soon travel to Syria at the head of a large delegation representing a wide range of forces of nationalism and democracy of Jordan, as I learned the “truth” sources close to it, will assure the Syrians that “the people of Jordan, along with the Jordanian army as well, will not be allowed at all to turn the territory of Jordan to the rear base of armed Syrians. ” But they also confirm that “the forces of nationalism and democracy have become Jordan believes that the root of political reforms and urgent in Syria, is the only way to block outside interference, and will be the deciding factor in the thwarted if it happened.” It also will assure them that “the presence of U.S. Special Forces to the area of retail was after the overthrow of his government, it was not possible during his stay at the head of the government,” in reference to the revelations in the “truth” in its report on 10 December / December last year , and confirmed by the media American later.
At this level, reveals that among the military intelligence, Bakhit of Jordan, “piercing to the core U.S. and Israeli”, has in recent weeks, and without announce it officially, to transfer the border region with Syria, between the towns of Mafraq, Ramtha, ie, p Li along about 30 km and a depth of about 10 km, to the “military zone” Ihzeraly any person entering or approaching them. And confirm these circles that the purpose of establishing this zone is to create three larger camps to house about twenty thousand Libby of fundamentalist organizations incitements of the “Brigade of Tripoli” with the leadership of Abdul Hakim Belhadj, who began arriving to Jordan under the guise that they are “wounded in need of treatment!” And these circles reveal that the number of Libyans in Jordan is now 43 thousand, of whom 18 thousand professional fighters from the Salafis, and the rest of the escorts them to their family members observed that most of them boys! Come down and those in hotels, hospitals, military in three key areas is the city and the suburb of Amman, “Abdoun” affiliate and the city of Irbid in the north. With regard to the latter, says among the former prime minister’s “truth” that hospitals “Royal Medical Services,” the military in Jordan, as well as hotels, are full of her father’s reel Libyan militants who paid the expenses of the Qatari government stay in Jordan. Because of overcrowding in the hospitals with them, it came to an end take down a large portion of them in the “hospital founder King Abdullah” in Ramtha, ie, a few kilometers from the shield! According to these circles that these Libyans “are not sick or injured at all, although there may be some among them who apply to them as such, but they are fighters Salafists participated in the battles of Tripoli, Misurata, was not able to U.S. intelligence, Jordanian, and behind them finance the country, brought to Jordan However, under the title of hospitalization, especially since their numbers in the thousands! ” But these sources exclude that allows the Jordanian government for them to carry out any military activity against Syrian territory at the moment, stage, which will come their role in which, according to what was agreed upon between Amman and Doha and Washington, is when you “get away with things in Syria from the scope of central government control Syrian whether as a result of the disintegration of the Syrian army or military intervention under the guise of an Arab and / or international. ” In the meantime what of those Libyans but Ieithoa havoc and chaos in Jordan, where it is many Jordanians submit complaints to the Jordanian authorities of harassment suffered at the hands of these thugs mercenaries (harassment, assault on private property, breaking light bulbs in the streets, stealing cars etc. ..)!
At this level, too, reveal the community itself for the “truth” that dozens of officers of the intelligence of Turkey began arriving recently to Jordan, and most of them residing in the “Marmara”, located in Mecca Street in “Rabia”, which turned into an “operations room of the intelligence Turkish!” They work for weeks to recruit the largest number of these Libyans and their transfer to the banner of Alexandretta occupied to attend to “the Syrian army free”, given that the battle will start from Jordanian territory “might take some time,” and thus may be long waiting for them in Jordan and may miss the train ” Jihad. ” While this battle in the “Mountain of the corner” was launched long time ago, it did not stop, and will have a major role in the days and the next few weeks!
But where site Lebanese politicians from all this!?
According to Jordanian sources informed that the Jordanian intelligence, which monitors the situation closely, recorded last month, the transfer of more than fifty tons of Israeli weapons to the airport of Erbil in Kurdistan in favor of armed Syrians, worth more than $ 650 million paid by the Qatari government for a company, “Rafael” Industries Israeli military. These include weapons launchers and anti-tank mines and Guenasat and shields individual fighters and communication devices and large quantities of ammunition for the weapons attached to them unnecessary. These sources reveal that the visit of Lebanese MP Walid Jumblatt to Qatar recently, and then to Iraqi Kurdistan, and on to Turkey yesterday, specifically relating to this shipment. The visit to Erbil Samir Geagea in 12 of the last month, was directly linked to the case itself. According to these sources, the stakeholders have difficulty now is to transfer the shipment to the north of Lebanon in order to be passed to Damascus, Homs, especially after the Lebanese army deployed a number of its units in the region of “Wadi Khaled” adjacent to Homs, having stepped up “Party of God” Activity watchful eyes along the border areas where it has a social Bhadhanh. For this guide, Walid Jumblatt yesterday to Turkey in order to explore the possibility of passage of the shipment from Kurdistan to the insurgents in the province of Idleb Syria through Turkish territory, instead of Amrarha to Homs and Damascus through the port of Jounieh Lebanon, which was exposed during his past two days. It was Walid Jumblatt, according to the same quarters, he sent one of the most prominent security of its officials during the civil war, Hisham Anis Nasir al-Din, to Jordan to discuss the issue itself, but it did not reach a positive outcome. The Jordanians had told him that Jordan “is not interested in any involvement in the hot Syrian issue, at least at the current stage.” He told him the same thing Jordanians to Samir Geagea, a cowardly assassin, head of a CIA Proxy Militia of thugs since 1986...., as well! And confirm these sources that, in the case of failure of Jumblatt persuade the Turks to agree to the transfer of a shipment of arms across the land, will not only survive re-transfer to the port of Jounieh Lebanon under the control of the security apparatus of Samir Geagea, in order shipped overland through Zahle and Arsal, even if it involves adventure After finding that a large port!
These data revealed that intersect with the CIA disinformation outfit..... “center of the Stratfor intelligence” in Washington recently. Center has confirmed that the smuggling of arms to Syria through the Lebanese port of Jounieh under the supervision of Colonel WiSam Al-Hassan occupies a prominent place in this area currently, albeit less than optimal due to control the Lebanese army intelligence. The center says in this regard that Colonel Hassan, President of the Information Branch of the Lebanese Internal Security, known ties to Washington and France, is one of the supervised person on the smuggling of weapons into home Syrian, and therefore tried to Syrian intelligence management process to assassinate him recently been discovered by the Jordanian intelligence, which coordinates with him!? According to the report, “Stratfor”, the weapon that is being brought through the port of Jounieh, being transferred to the area of Zahle in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon, which is the incubator is important for the group, Samir Geagea, while the surroundings one of the cans, “Future Movement” Hariri, and the parties Atsaaadan now in arms smuggling Syrian to the inside through the “Monastery of the tribes” and “Arsal” and “bottom”.
The remaining signal finally to that Faris Saeed, General Secretary of the Alliance “March 14″ of Lebanon, which is supported by Washington and Israel, was delivered the day before yesterday the word as “the Syrian National Council” and its president Burhanuddin pipe in the celebration of the Central, which was held in Beirut to mark the seventh anniversary of the assassination of Hariri! This is the first coordination and cooperation of a formal public between the two parties at this level, which is added to the total evidence accumulated over the past months about the “Syrian National Council,” which confirms that it is not in essence more than Israeli project before it is a Western, if we put aside the fact that at least five of its leaders, led by Basma Qdmana, reside in official relations with Israel since many years (Ms. Qdmana Ministry of Israel in 2008 under the name of Basma Qdmana Darwish; any time were still carries the nickname of her ex Nabil Darwish, Broadcaster in Monte Carlo). He was a prominent member of the “Council”, Khaled Khoja, has sent a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanding that “the support of the Syrian Revolution” because “Israel’s interest is with the Sunnis against Shiites,” and because the survival of the Syrian regime “will enable Iran and the Shiites the elimination of the State of Israel! ” The letter repeated the video and audio in a live interview with Israel’s Channel X on the eighth of this month! He was noting that none of the members of the “National Council” or his supporters, including the intellectuals adult Ksubha iron and Farouk Mardam or your Faraj Bayrakdar, has been convicted of or condemn or denounce what he had done Khoja!?